3rd prize for the concept of JSWD © Playtime Barcelona / JSWD

3rd prize for the concept of JSWD

Competition New Academy Building at UKSH Kiel   

The 2-phase competition for the new construction of an academy building, an administration building and a parking garage was recently decided. According to our conception, three new buildings form an inviting ensemble on the hillside with the listed Gropius buildings. The central, cubic academy building is conceived as an open learning landscape. In front of it is the newly designed Gropiusplatz, which becomes the address at the Schlosspark and in the direction of the Kiel Fjord.
Ceramic modules with integrated photovoltaics are planned for the facade.

User: University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein
Awarding authority: State of Schleswig-Holstein
Landscape: LAND Germany
Consulting structural engineering, energy + sustainability: Werner Sobek

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