With light installation at two Fraunhofer Institutes ILT and IPT in Aachen
Important artists have been creating art on buildings in Germany for decades on behalf of the state. The Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR) is presenting many works in the traveling exhibition "70 Jahre kunst am Bau /70 Years of Art on Buildings in Germany".
Among other things, the light installation on the facades of the neighboring Fraunhofer Institutes for Laser Technology (ILT) and for Production Technology (IPT) in Aachen will be on display. JSWD designed the extensions for the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. The ideas of artist Annette Sauermann were integrated into the planning as early as possible. More than 7,000 LEDs animated her graphics, which were printed on the glass surfaces at the opposite corners of the building. The colorful, partly linear and partly curved lines not only glow in the dark, but also impress during the day with changing images and reflections. Their pulsation mirrors the beat of the data traffic of both institutes in an abstracted form. In this way, the "network of knowledge" that matures behind the facades is brought to the outside and made tangible for the public.
Link BRR, Exhibition "70 Jahre Kunst am Bau"