Flagship Store of Telekom, Zeil, Frankfurt
Client: Telekom Deutschland GmbH
Shopdesign: Interbrand
Opening 2011

Deutsche Telekom has opened its first national flagship store at the multi-brand MyZeil center in Frankfurt, one of the most profitable shopping centers in Germany. Advertising experts Interbrand have developed a brand new concept in the shape of an urban meeting point for all those interested in telecommunications and adventure. JSWD Architects are responsible for the construction part of the new concept. The new shop construction concept improves the visibility of the MyZeil Telekom shop from the outside by creating a new shopping experience across two floors, covering individual customer support, product and special offer presentations, and a diverse world of services. The key focus is on service and the customer.

Photos: Stefan Schilling, Cologne

See also

Koelnmesse 3.0

Mobility hub Döppersberg

BC The Icon Vienna

All Projects Handel